The editorial team accepts materials for the next issues of the periodical in the following cycles:

Submitting article suggestions: from 1st April to 30th April (for the second issue of the current year) and from 1st November to 30th November (for the first issue in the next year);
Submitting texts for publication, prepared according to internal requirements of the periodical: from 1st May to 31st May (for the second issue of the current year) and from 1st December to 31st December (for the first issue in the next year).

Applications for publication, containing name and surname of the author, information about the author (academic degree/title, function/position, place of work) and publication title should be sent via email to: .

Texts submitted to the editorial team of Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie cannot have been published earlier and cannot be submitted to other editorial teams for publishing.

Submitting a text for publication requires the author to assign the rights to the article use to the Editor (a statement form to download).

Authors of the published articles receive one free copy of the periodical.


A. Text formatting
1. The article text should be in a standard A4 size (30 lines on a page, 60 characters in a line) - margins: right 35 mm, other - 30 mm; leadings: 1,5; printout in Times New Roman 12 p.
2. Article volume should not exceed 12 pages, and reviews and reports from conferences and conventions - 4 pages.
3. A 0.5 page abstract needs to be attached to the article: in Polish and English (including an English title of the article).
4. The article should be delivered in two copies of printed text and in an electronic version in Microsoft Word *.doc (or *.rtf) format.

B. Text layout
1. The text should contain the following elements:

Author and title
Abstract and title in English
Abstract in Polish

2. It should include a short note about the author (in a footnote), containing academic title/degree, function/position and place of work (Department-Institute, University) according to the following pattern:

Jan Wasilewski*
(Article title)
At the bottom of the first page the information about the author in a footnote, for example:

* Jan Wasilewski, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Institute of Demography of the University...

C. Footnotes, bibliography, quotations
1. Author’s notes in the text should be sparse and placed at the bottom of the page.

2. Bibliography should be placed at the end of the article, with list of literature in an alphabetical order, according to the following pattern: Surname and name initial of the author (year of publishing), Title, publishing house, place of publication, page numbers (numbering refers to continuous publications), for example:

Majewski M. (1999), Matematyka. Zbiór zadań dla klasy V szkoły podstawowej, WSiP, Warszawa. [If it is a single-volume publicaton (a book)]

Zieliński A. (2003), Techniki organizatorskie. Nowe spojrzenie, "Przegląd Organizacji", nr 2, s. 26-40. [If it is an article in a periodical]

Wrześniewski K. (2000), Psychologiczne uwarunkowania powstawania i rozwoju chorób somatycznych (rozdz. 57), [w:] Strelau J. (red.), Psychologia, t. 3, Gdańskie Wydawnictwo Psychologiczne, Gdańsk. [if it is a publication in a collaborative work].

3. The text should contain the name of the author, year of publication and page numbering according to teh following pattern:
(Majewski, 1999: 54-58)

or for example: "według badań Zielińskiego (2003)".
4. Bibliography should include only items quoted in the article.

III. Rules of reviewing articles for the periodical Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie

1. For the evaluation of each periodical issue at least two independent reviewers are appointed form outside AHE in Lodz.
2. In case of texts written in a foreign language, at least one of the reviewers is affiliated by a foreign institution from a country different than the nationality of the work’s author.
3. Reviewers do not know each other’s identities.
5. The review is in a written form and ends with a conclusion on the text’s approval for printing or its rejection.
6. On the basis of the reviews the article is sent to print, whereas in case of the article’s rejection, it is not published. After verification, the text can be submitted for publication in the next issue of the periodical.
7. Surnames of reviewers of particular issues are not revealed, however once a year in the second issue of the periodical the list of all cooperating reviewers is made public.

Tabela dla recenzenta [.pdf]

Authors statement ORCID RODO[.pdf]