ISSN 1895-5088
e-ISSN 2391-5129
The scientific periodical Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie is devoted to the innovation in theory and practice of management.
The development of management methods, theoretically and practically-oriented research as well as expert activity help to modernise the practice and to tackle the challenges involved. For the integration and inspiration of the scientific community, it is necessary to exchange thoughts and experience as well as present the results of research and studies. Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie created a scientific discussion forum for the representatives of various fields of knowledge, analysing from their own research perspectives problems of management and their conditioning as well as creating and developing new tendencies in management.
Zarządzanie Innowacyjne w Gospodarce i Biznesie is a periodical of the Faculty of Management, issued by the University of Humanities and Economics in Łódź. It is a half-yearly periodical published since 2005. The periodical is reviewed and is of supra-regional level.
On the B list of periodicals of MNiSW it received 5 p. (2019). It is index-linked in the following databases: Pol-index and Index Copernicus (ICV 2018 88.39) and present in BazEcon and BazHum.
It received the number: DOI 10.25312/2391-5129.
In June 2021 our periodical (in English: "Managing Innovation in the Economy and Business") has been accepted to the European Reference Index for the Humanities and the Social Sciences ERIH PLUS database, an open-access index of scientific journals in the humanities and social sciences, created by the Norwegian Center for Research Data.
The journal's profile in the database:
The editorial team follows the principles of publication ethics according to COPE (Comittee on Publication Ethics) diagrams.
The periodical comprises of publications of the following scope:
I. Theoretical research
II. Empirical research results
III. Scientific work of young scientists and students
IV. Reviews
V. Information about organised and planned conferences and conventions.
You are invited to publish in our periodical!